Wednesday 1 June 2016

Lemony Prawn Tagliatelle

This simple little dish is really tasty, the lemon adds a real zing to the prawns! It doesn't need an unhealthy creamy sauce, it's good to go as it is. It's so quick to make (about 10 minutes) and you'll often find these jumbo prawns on special offer at the supermarket.

I found this recipe in a great little book of simple suppers, but I have reduced the lavish quantities of oil and butter used for frying. I've also added the corn and sugar-snap peas for an extra crunch.

You can download my recipe for Lemony Prawn Tagliatelle here

Just click on the link above and print out to add to your Easy-Peasy Recipe File.

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as we do!

Judith xxx

Spaghetti Bolognese

Everyone has their own variation of this Italian classic. There's no right way and only one wrong way to make it...using a jar of Dolmio! If you're cooking for a family or have a freezer, it's so much cheaper to make a large batch from scratch and much better for you than those gluppy brought sauces. You can stretch your batch of sauce by adding extra veg such as carrots, courgettes and peppers and the addition of cheap brown or green lentils gives a nutty taste and adds bulk. It's up to you to make it your own.

Last night I served mine with spiralized vegetables instead of pasta as I wanted to try out my new spiralizer that was a gift for my birthday last week. Ooh I've just remembered seeing this photo, I've recently started adding a little diced chorizo to my Bolognese, it gives a real zing to the flavour! And of course don't forget to add lashings of parmesan cheese.

You can download my easy-peasy Spaghetti Bolognese here.

Please. please leave a comment if you use my recipe.

Make it you own

Judith xxx